Oakfield School


School news and key information – 2024/25:

Notification of Staff Training Day

Please view/download the following letter notifying you of a staff training day on Friday 7 February 2025:

School Closure – Autumn Term 2024 (letter to parents/carers):

Please view/download the following letter regarding the school closure for autumn term 2024:

Careers Days – Work Experience

Please view/download the following letter regarding Career Days for pupils aged 13 to 18.  This is an exciting insight into different careers that might appeal to pupils followed by advice and work experience.


Please view/download the following letter to read the an important message on racism language.

Exam Results Day – 2024

The school’s GCSE Results Day this year is on Thursday, 22nd August, 2024.  Year 11 pupils can collect their results from the main school entrance between 9 and 10 a.m.

Please view/download GCSE Result Day letter:

Academy Conversion

As you may already be aware, the Governing Body of Oakfield School is considering converting to an academy under the Academies Act 2010 and is proposing to join The Consortium Academy Trust.  The Governing Body is now consulting on whether the school’s conversion to academy status should take place.  For further information about what becoming an academy means, and how to comment on the proposals, please read the following academy conversion letter: