Careers Days – Work Experience
Please view/download the following letter regarding Career Days for pupils aged 13 to 18. This is an exciting insight into different careers that might appeal to pupils followed by advice and work experience.
Please view/download the following letter to read the an important message on racism language.
Exam Results Day – 2024
The school’s GCSE Results Day this year is on Thursday, 22nd August, 2024. Year 11 pupils can collect their results from the main school entrance between 9 and 10 a.m.
Please view/download GCSE Result Day letter:
Year 11 – Revision Sessions
Oakfield School will be running revision sessions after school during the Summer Term. Please view/download the following revision letter:
School Closure
Oakfield School will be closing for the Easter Holidays on: Friday, 22nd March 2024 at 2:30 p.m. Oakfield School reopens to staff and pupils on: Monday, 8th April 2024. Please view/download the following end of term letter:
World Book Day 2024
Oakfield School staff dressed up as their chosen book character.
Academy Conversion – Oakfield School
As you may already be aware, the Governing Body of Oakfield School is considering converting to an academy under the Academies Act 2010 and is proposing to join The Consortium Academy Trust. The Governing Body is now consulting on whether the school’s conversion to academy status should take place. For further information about what becoming an academy means, and how to comment on the proposals, please read the following academy conversion letter:
World Book Day 2024
To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2024, we invite pupils to dress up as a character or to bring their favourite book or magazine in. You can find out more information about World Book Day via:
Please click the link below to view/download the World Book Day 2024 letter:
School Closure
Oakfield School will be closing for the Christmas holidays on: Thursday, 21 December 2023 at 3 pm. Oakfield School reopens on: Monday. 8 January 2024. Please view/download the following end of term letter:
Please view/download the following letter to read the an important message on racism language.
COVID-19 Information
Please view/download the following letter to read the latest guidance and information on COVID-19.
Timing of the School Day
After the half-term, the school will begin a new timetable consisting of 5 x 50 minutes lessons per day (replacing 6 x 40 minutes lessons). Please view/download the following letter to see the new timings of the school day:
Online Safety – Removal of Indecent Photographs
Report Remove is here to help young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images and videos of themselves and remove them from the internet.
How report remove works
Having your nudes shared can feel scary, and it can leave you feeling worried or even ashamed. But it’s not your fault.
It’s against the law for anyone to share a sexual image or video of someone who’s under 18, and we’re working with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and Yoti to help you remove any sexual image or video of you that’s online.
Report Remove is safe, easy and free – all you need to do is follow these steps:
- choose your age range
- create a Childline account so we can send you updates on your report
- report your image or video to the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
- talk to a Childline counsellor if you want any extra support, or access support on the Childline website
- check your Childline locker a few days after your report to see if you need to add any more information and to see updates on your report
- report any issues with this process by sending an email from your Childline locker with the subject ‘Report Remove’ and as much information about the problem as you can.
Here is a link to report a remove via the Child Line website, and also a YouTube step-by-step:
Consultation Proposal for Oakfield School
Oakfield School currently educates up to 110 pupils with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties. Hull, like many local authorities, is experiencing a rise in pupil numbers and there is a need to create additional school places.
The proposal is to increase maximum pupil numbers of Oakfield School from 110 to 130, an increase of 20 places. The proposal is in line with the recently published SEND Sufficiency Assessment, which notes the shortage of secondary SEMH specialist places in Hull. The LA and the Governing Body have identified the commissioning intent to fill the additional places
This consultation form seeks your views on whether you support this proposed increase in the numbers of pupils at the school.
This consultation will remain open until Friday 13th October 2023. Please complete this form and return it to the Oakfield School reception. Alternatively you can email your comments to
Oakfield will be hosting an Open Evenings for the parents/carers of years 5 and 6 pupils. Oakfield is the specialist secondary school for students with an EHCP for social, emotional and mental health needs. This will give the families/carers and students the opportunity to look around the school and ask any questions they may have.
If they require any further information, they are welcome to contact the school.
The opening evenings will be held on Thursday 28th September 2023 and Tuesday 10th October 2023 from 16.00 – 17.00 at
Oakfield School
Hopewell Road
Tel; 01482 854588
Jackie Stockdale
Parent Liaison.
End of Term – School Closure
Oakfield School will be closing for the summer holidays on Friday, 21st July 2023 at 1:30 pm. Please click the link below to read the end of term letter:
National Industrial Strike Action
Please note that there will be two further National Industrial Strike Action days this term. This is a national strike action to ongoing national issues and many schools across the country will be affected.
Oakfield School school will be partially closed to pupils. Please read the following letter for further details:
GCSE Results Days
The official GCSE results day this academic year is on Thursday, 24 August 2023. The pupils can collect their results from the school between 9 am and 10 am. In the event pupils are unable to collect their results they will be posted to their home address that day.
‘Pyjama Day’
Oakfield School invites your child to participate in a ‘Pyjama Day’ on Thursday, 15 June 2023, to raise funds for school trips/events.
We welcome a donation of 50p to wear their pyjamas!
The pyjamas worm are to be suitable for school (full-length only – strictly no shorts or nighties).
Poster to follow…
School Meals Price Increase
From Monday 5 June 2023, the price of school meals will be increasing to £2.60 per day (£13 a week). We are sure that you will agree that this is still good value for a nutritious meal and dessert.
Please click the link below to read the letter regarding school meals price increase:
Minor Ailments Scheme – Hull Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).
Everyone can go to their pharmacist for advice or to buy a medicine for a minor illness or ailment. The minor ailment scheme is an NHS service for anyone who does not pay prescription charges, including children under 16. After you speak to the pharmacist, they may be able to give you medicines free of charge or without you needing an appointment with your doctor.
DfE Survey – Delivering Better Value (DBV) Programme
Hull is one of 54 Local Authorities involved in the DfE’s Delivering Better Value (DBV) Programme. This aims to improve the outcomes and experiences of pupils with SEND through the early identification of needs and good support. Oakfield School would be very grateful if you could please complete the survey about your experiences with our SEND provision in Hull. This survey is intended for all parents/carers of children with SEND, not just those with EHCPs.
The deadline for survey returns is Friday 12th May 2023, the survey will only take 10mins to complete and can be accessed on the following link:
This national survey is being shared with parents/carers across the country.
Strike Days
The NEU (National Education Union) are planning two further strike days this academic year. Please see the following letter regarding the NEU strike days:
Easter Holiday Vaccination Catch-up Clinics
FAO: Year 8 and Year 9 parents/carers only:
“If your child has missed either the DTP/meningitis vaccinations (Year 9) or the HPV vaccinations (Year 8 and Year 9) and you would like an appointment at one of our catch up clinics, please call or email and we can arrange a catch-up appointment. The clinics are appointment only and are not drop in.”
Tel: 0333 358 3397 (Option 2 then option 1)
Healthy Easter Holidays
Healthy Holidays Hull are offering an Easter activity programme to pupils across Kingston upon Hull during the Easter holidays 2023. Please click the link below to read/download the poster:
Cost of Living Support
Please see click the following link for a cost-of-living help guide which has multiple links to resources and help available across the city:
‘Wear a Hat Day’
Please click the link below to read the letter regarding What a Hat Day:
Night Challenge – Awards Invite Letter 2023
NEU Teacher Strike Action: Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March 2023.
As you will be aware the National Education Union have voted to take strike action in their dispute over pay with the government and challenging the current funding levels for schools overall. For further information regarding the strike day please read the letter below –
Strike Letter March 23
Oakfield School’s Residential Provision is currently undergoing an OFSTED inspection, from Tuesday 28th February to Thursday 2nd March. For further information regarding the residential inspections please see the Letter to Parents below.
Letter_to_parents_Oakfield School Feb 2023
World Book Day letter 2023
NEU Teacher Strike Action: Tuesday 28th February 2023.
As you will be aware the National Education Union have voted to take strike action in their dispute over pay with the government and challenging the current funding levels for schools overall. For further information regarding the strike day please read the letter below –
Strike Action Letter 28th Feb 2023
Oakfield School is constantly developing and improving our provision both for pupils and the support we offer to parents and carers. As part of our drive to improve we will post a list of updates and changes on this page, including correspondences, teaching strategies and initiatives.
NEU Teacher Strike Action: Wednesday 1st February 2023.
As you will be aware the National Education Union have voted to take strike action in their dispute over pay with the government and challenging the current funding levels for schools overall. For further information regarding the strike day please read the letter below –
Letter to Parents NEU Strike Action
Pupils use of Mobile Phones – MOBILE PHONE LETTER TO PARENTS
Scarlet Fever
Please find attached the briefing letter from Hull Public Health with regard to the Scarlet Fever Briefing for Educational Settings. L05.12.22 Scarlet Fever
Flu Uptake
“This is a reminder that our school has previously been visited by the immunisation team to deliver the nasal flu vaccinations. If you haven’t completed a Consent or Refusal form and would like to Consent or Refuse the vaccination, please follow the link below and complete an online form. If you have completed a form previously, please ignore this message. The link will expire on [18/11/2022].
School Closure – State Funeral
Please note Oakfield School will be closed on Monday 19 September 2022 to allow our staff and pupils to pay their respects to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose State Funeral will be held on this day.
Oakfield School will reopen as normal on Tuesday 20 September 2022. Please click the link below to see the letter:
School Meals Price Increase
Please click the link below to read the letter regarding School Meals Price Increase.
School Closure
Please click the links below to see the school closure letters:
- School Closure – Summer 2022 (Oakfield School)
- School Closure for Nurture B – Summer 2022 (Oakfield School)
Important Information on Allergies
Please click the link below to see the letter regarding Important Information on Allergies:
School Closure (Staff Training)
Oakfield School will be closed to pupils for an additional staff training day on Monday 11 July 2022. The school will re-open to pupils as normal on Tuesday 12 July 2022. School transport will resume as normal.
School Closure (Half Term)
Oakfield School is closing for half term on Friday 27 May 2022 at 2:30 pm. Oakfield School will re-open to pupils on Monday 6 June 2022.
Encouraging and supporting your dyslexic child with writing at home – Free online support event
Reading for Pleasure & Progress
New COVID-19 Guidance – April 2022
‘Wear a Hat Day
Oakfield School is supporting ‘Wear a Hat Day on Friday 25 March 2022 to raise awareness and funds for Brain Tumour Research.
Catch Up Clinics
Dear Parent/Carer
If your Year 9 child has missed the DTP (Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio) booster and the Meningitis ACWY vaccinations, we are offering you the opportunity to attend one of our catch-up clinics during the February half-term holiday.
The clinics are at various locations on selected dates and have appointments between 9.00 am and 4.00 pm.
The dates and locations are
The Bespoke Centre, Zeals Garth, HU7 4WD on Monday 21 February 2022
The Acorns Children Centre, Nester Grove, Bilton Grange on Tuesday 22 February 2022
The priory Children Centre, Priory Road on Wednesday 23 February 2022
Please call 0333 358 3397 and use the options to connect to the HULL office for an appointment, or email us at
Healthy Week
Next week, beginning Monday 14 February 2022, Oakfield School is holding a ‘Healthy Week’. In addition to a range of activities and health-themed lessons, we are encouraging all pupils to not bring unhealthy drinks into school during the week.
Please support us in this by speaking to your child and helping them to make the correct choices in their packed lunches and purchases from the local shops.
Face Coverings
From Thursday 20th January 2022, the Department for Education announced that face coverings are no longer recommended in classrooms and teaching spaces for staff, and pupils in years 7 and above. Public Health Hull strongly advises that staff and pupils continue to use face coverings in the following situations:
- in classrooms where there is an outbreak;
- in communal areas where there are high or rising numbers and/or an outbreak in the setting;
- for cases who have ended their isolation period before 10 days; and
- close contacts of cases.
Public Health supports the continued use of face-covering beyond this situation as an evidence-based way of preventing transmission of infection.
Letter for CLC pupils:
End of Term letters:
Letter for pupils based in The Annexe (3A, 3R and Nurture B tutor groups): End of Term Letter for The Annex (December 2021)
Letter for pupils based in the main school building: End of Term Letter for Whole School (December 2021)
DTP and Men ACWY vaccinations
Pupils in Year 9. This link is for the DTP and Men ACWY vaccinations, which have been arranged and will take place at Oakfield School on Tuesday 11 January 2022. The link will close on Friday 31 December 2021.
Dear Parent/Carer,
If you would like your child to receive the Diphtheria/Tetanus/Polio & Meningitis ACWY vaccine in school please follow this link to complete an online consent form;
The vaccinations will take place at Oakfield School on Tuesday 11 January 2022. The link will close on Friday 31 December 2021.
If your child has already had the DTP or MenACWY vaccine please disregard this msg. If you have any problems accessing the link please telephone 0333 358 3397 option 2 (1)”
Hull City Council – Coronavirus letter:
HeadStart Parents Covid Survey
Following our young person’s Coronavirus Survey, our Parents Survey is now Live. The Survey will close on 31st December 2021
Government COVID-19 Guidance Update
Children In Need
To celebrate Children in Need on Friday 19th November, we are encouraging pupils and staff to wear a onesie or fancy dress. A donation of £1 is welcome as a part of this.
The LAFSS Play Van
LAFSS would like to invite all SEND families from across the city to come along and have a few hours of fun in the parks.
Come along and join in, hopefully, lots of fun in the sun, play equipment, games, toys,
seating and refreshments.
Enjoy time with LAFSS and the beautiful parks with all their amenities.
School Closure
Results Day
The GCSE results day this year is on Thursday 12 August 2021. Year 11 pupils can collect the results from the main school entrance between 09:00 am – 10:00 am.
NHS Blood & Transplant
Message from the NHS Blood & Transplant Service:
We have an upcoming blood donation session at The Freedom Centre, Hull on 23/07/2021 and 26/07/2021 with lots of available appointments and I would be grateful if you could help us spread the word.
We have extra safety measures in place and every precaution is being taken to eliminate the risk of COVID-19 transmission at our blood donation sessions.
Year 11 Leavers
Attendance Update
Mobile Phones
Home Testing over the Easter holidays.
Home Testing letter (25.03.2021)
Please note Oakfield School will be closed to all pupils and staff on Monday 22 March 2021 for a deep clean.
We intend to re-open the school on Tuesday 23 March 2021 as normal.
Please click the link below to view/download the COVID-19 update letter from the Headteacher:
Message from the Vaccination Team:
We have been approved by Public Health England to move forward with our School-based Immunisation Programme during the current Lockdown. We have arranged clinics in the local community to catch up on as many of our current Year 9 HPV1 and Year 10 HPV2 as possible. If possible could you send a message to all Year 9 parents asking if they wish to book an appointment, for their child’s 1st HPV to give our office a call?
Tel: 0333 358 3397 Option 9 (1)
re-opening letter to parents 20th November 2020 final
Oakfield outbreak letter 18th November 2020 final
Oakfield outbreak letter 15th November 2020
Letter to Parents 13th November 2020
Letter to parents 11th November
COVID letter to parents 06.11.20
Oakfield all families letter 22-10-20