Read Write, Inc. Fresh Start Phonics – Learning to Read at Home
Fresh Start is a systematic synthetic phonics programme for older readers who are struggling. It teaches them to read unfamiliar words accurately and therefore read texts with understanding.
Developed by Ruth Miskin, Fresh Start teaches students at their challenge point, so they learn to read accurately and fluently. They will also develop good comprehension, spelling and punctuation skills through targeted activities.
Pupils learn the 44 common sounds in the English Language and how to sound-blend words over a short period of time, alongside spelling. Alongside this modules are read with words they can sound-blend, so they get early success in reading. The more sounds that a pupil learns, the greater the range of texts they can read.
The 34 modules contain carefully graded stories and non-fiction texts. The texts are natural, amusing, and increase in age as pupils progress through the modules. Although this is a primary based intervention (including and up to Year 7), as a school we believe the skills developed on this course will give pupils the ability to build their phonics, confidence and reading ability with texts at an appropriate reading age level for their ability.
The link below shows how you can help teach children to read and write with Read Write Inc. Phonics at home. In addition, please see the ‘frequently asked questions document: here
Parents – Ruth Miskin (Literacy):
Reading for Pleasure & Progress
Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to children’s learning and development. Oakfield School is proud to introduce a school library for the beginning of the Summer term of 2022. We can offer both fiction and non-fiction, each covering a wide range of interests and reading abilities.
We would like all the pupils to have the very best opportunity to make the most of what our library has to offer, so here is some information that we hope will be useful:
Loan Period:
- Pupils are allowed to borrow one book at a time.
- Each book can be borrowed for a maximum of 21 days, but we encourage the children to exchange their books more often to encourage good library habits and so they can enjoy a wide variety of reading material.
- We sent out reminders for overdue library books once a term, and at the end of the summer term we ask for all library books to be returned so we can do a stock check.
Caring for Library Book:
- Please encourage pupils to look after their library books. If you think your child has lost or badly damaged a library book, please contact the school.