At Oakfield School, we believe it is every pupil’s right to expect excellent teaching of an enriched and engaging curriculum, in a safe learning environment, which will enable them to reach their full potential in life. The school’s curriculum is both broad and balanced and promotes the spiritual moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and in addition prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
The school’s Curriculum Policy complies with the Equality Act and SEN Regulations 14 and we embed these characteristics into our everyday practice.
All pupils follow the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject. More information can be found at:
Key Stage 3 – Curriculum Overview (Years 7, 8, 9)
To aid the transition from primary, Year 7 pupils are taught in a Nurture group, in a primary model. From Year 8, pupils follow a secondary style model where pupils move around the main school building for all subject-specific learning.
Please select on the subject name to access a full overview of the course content of the subjects we offer at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4:
Key Stage 3:
- Year 7 (The Rowan Building)
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Design Technology
- Food Technology
- ICT & Computing
- History
- Geography
- Art & Design
- PE
- World Culture (RE)
- Outdoor Education (Year 8)
- Outdoor Education (Year 9)
By the end of Key Stage 3, we aspire that all pupils have:
- Increase in knowledge of key literacy and numeracy skills shown through class assessment and formal termly assessments
- Increased engagement and motivation in lessons
- Increased attendance
- Reduced number of incidents (physical management)
Key Stage 4 – Curriculum Overview (Year 10/11)
Pupils follow the National Curriculum in Key Stage 4
Compulsory Key Stage 4 subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- ICT & Computing
- PE
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Employability
- Life Skills (AQA Unit Award)
In the Summer term of Year 9, pupils begin the transition to KS4 and can make choices of subject choices for Year 10 and Year 11.
To view the school’s option booklet, please select here
Option 1:
Option 2:
Other (non-discrete subjects):
Key Stage 4 – Vocational Pathway (14-16 College)
Oakfield works in partnership with local colleges that provide specialist vocational courses aimed at 14-16-year-olds.
Vocational courses currently on offer are:
- Hair and Beauty
- Motor Mechanics
- Construction
- Environmental/Land-based Studies
- Food/Catering
- Engineering
These vocational courses allow pupils to develop essential skills in a chosen career whilst still working towards GCSEs in school. If a pupil wishes to undertake this type of education, a taster day at the college is organised which the pupil attends and is supported by Oakfield School staff. Depending on the need of the child depends on how long this support is provided whilst the pupil is at college. 14-16 college placements allow pupils to have a clear progression route into further and higher education.
By the end of Key Stage 4, we aspire that all pupils realise their ambition about:
- higher education and/or employment – including exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies
- independent living – enabling people to have choice and control over their lives and the support they receive, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living
- participating in society – including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community
- being as healthy as possible in adult life
At Oakfield School, we have a full-time qualified teacher who provides targeted Maths and English intervention throughout the week on a one-to-one basis with identified pupils (those with gaps in their learning or low prior attainment). The sessions last between 20-30 minutes per pupil. Evidence provided by the EEF indicates that one-to-one tuition can be effective, providing approximately five additional months’ progress on average.
The school has a designated space where the intervention sessions are carried out.
The Maths and English teachers liaise with the intervention staff to ensure that the work covered in the sessions is suitably challenging.
Oakfield is an accredited exam centre of AQA, OCR, EDEXCEL, WJEC, NOCN, NCFE, BCS, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, NIBAS and Princes Trust.