Oakfield School



Oakfield School is a local authority-maintained residential special school. All admissions are handled by the Local Authority after a formal consultation with the Deputy Headteacher and the SENCO/Designated Teacher for LAC.

All places at the school are commissioned only. Please click here to view/download the school’s Admission Policy.

All pupils attending the school have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and therefore will have undergone an extensive assessment before enrolling with the school.

The new cohort of Year 7 pupils will join The Rowan Building (an annexe building to the main school building) for their first year at Oakfield School. This is to slowly alleviate any fears about the transition from primary to secondary education, and create a structured transition for pupils by providing familiarity with the new environment and ethos that will continue their journey into the Year 8 cohort.

Oakfield School aims to provide every pupil with a unique and enriching experience to prepare them for the next stage of their academic learning journey.

If you would like further information or would like to request a place at Oakfield School, please contact:

Hull City Council SEN Team

Tel: 01482 616007
Email: SEND@hullcc.gov.uk