Oakfield School
Governing Body

Governing Body

*This page is under construction*

The Governing Body

Oakfield School is very fortunate to have an experienced, dedicated team of governors who are skilled in their role as supporters and critical friends of the school. The school believes that effective school governance is at the centre of a good school, and we do all we can to promote and develop our governors through our work across the school.

The Governing Body:


Governor Attendance:

Governor Business Interests:

  • 2024/2025 – TBC
  • 2023/2024 – 

The role of the Governing Body

  • To provide a strategic view of where the school is going
  • To establish the school’s values and aims
  • To hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of education it provides
  • To ensure that both staff and pupils can work and study in a safe and happy environment
  • To act as a critical friend to the school

Chair of the Governing Body

The Chair of Governing Body makes sure that the Governing Body’s affairs are conducted lawfully.  The Chair also helps to run meetings and advises the Headteacher.  The Chair of the Governing Body is Mr Lee Morfitt who can be contacted via Oakfield School.

Co-opted Governors

Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body.

Parent Governor

Parent Governors are elected by other parents/carers. They are the parents/carers who have children of school age.

Staff Governor

Staff Governors are elected by the school staff.  We currently have one Staff Governor along with the Headteacher.


The Governing Body elect to be a member of various committees.  Each committee is specialised and meets regularly as a group.  Committees report back to the Full Governing Body.


Oakfield School holds full Governing Body meetings and Committee meetings each term.

Contacting the Governing Body

To contact a member of the Governing Body, please telephone Oakfield School on (01482) 548588 or admin@oakfieldhull.co.uk