Oakfield School



At Oakfield School, we understand that transitioning from primary school to secondary school can be an anxious time for both children and parents/carers.

Oakfield School would like to reassure you that we will do everything we can to alleviate any worries either of you may have by giving you as many chances as possible for you to familiarise yourselves with your new school.

This includes visits from staff who work in the Rowan Building to observe pupils in their current host school. Parents/carers are invited for a tour of the school’s facilities. In July, the school operated a 1-week transition programme for Year 6 pupils to experience the secondary school setting.

The new cohort of Year 7 pupils will join the Rowan Building for their first year within Oakfield School. This is to slowly alleviate any fears about transition, create a structured transition for pupils by providing familiarity with the new environment and ethos that will continue their journey into the Year 8 cohort  We aim to provide every pupil with a unique and enriching experience to prepare them for the next stage of their academic learning journey.

If you require any further information then please do not hesitate to contact the Head of the Rowan Building: Eleanor Mathieson 01482 854588 or EleanorMathieson@oakfieldhull.co.uk.