Oakfield School
Alternative Learning Provision

Alternative Learning Provision

Alternative Learning Provision (ALP)

Our Aims:

  • To ensure that the provision commissioned is of a high standard
  • To ensure value for money
  • The placement provides the need of each student

Alternative provision is an educational provision for pupils who are unable to access mainstream education for several different reasons, or who are unsuited to the mainstream provision on offer.

Oakfield School recognises that there is a need to ensure that our curriculum is inclusive and accessible, providing opportunities for all students to succeed.  In addition, we recognise the need to offer the type of provision that allows some pupils to achieve their potential outside of what is accessible at Oakfield School.

To facilitate this individual learning pathway, Oakfield School works with different local providers to help pupils who have struggles to reach their potential in a school-based environment succeed.

Reasons why we might offer Alternative Provision

Pupils will be referred to alternative provisions on the basis that this provision is more appropriate for them than what Oakfield School can provide. Some reasons might be:

  • The pupil’s strengths are not being developed through the national curriculum.  The alternative provision recognises that pupils have different strengths and weaknesses and that mainstream education is not suitable for some.  The emphasis on vocational education that some alternative provision offers may be more attractive and suitable to some pupils.
  • The pupils have had one or more fixed-term exclusions and are considered to be at risk of permanent exclusion from school.  Alternative provision is seen as a desirable alternative to permanent exclusion for pupils and to encourage their continued inclusion in education.
  • The pupil has not been attending school regularly and is therefore unlikely to achieve GCSEs.  The alternative provision offers a different setting with a broader choice of subjects for pupils which may encourage attendance.  Alternative provision may provide a greater opportunity for a student to a suitable Post 16 pathway.

We have an Off-Site Provision Coordinator who oversees the quality assurance process supported by the Assistant Headteacher.  The Off-Site Provision Coordinator also has the responsibility for developing links to new providers, building relationships with their staff, monitoring the placement, relationships between staff and the pupils, and the quality and standards of the work produced.

The Coordinator also maintains regular contact and communication with parents and provisions.  Each pupil produces a file of evidence illustrating the work they have completed on their offsite placements and both pupils and staff complete a pro forma to evidence progress made.

Before we agree to use an off-site provision we visit the provision and see what they have to offer and what they can offer the pupils that attend Oakfield School.  We then ask for an outline of the course, copies of risk assessment, insurance details, DSB numbers, copies of safeguarding certificates and completed SLAs.  Once the decision has been made for a pupil to attend the provision, we obtain parental permission and then take the pupils for a taster day or look around.

Referral Process

  • The school will use the DfE publication Alternative Provision: Statutory Guidance for Local Authority (January 2013) as a basis for making arrangements for alternative provision.
  • Parent/carer will be fully involved in the process and any decisions are taken.
  • Pupils who are referred to alternative provision will remain on roll with Oakfield School and the school funds their place in alternative provision. The school remains ultimately responsible for the pupil, and the offer of the alternative provision shows a commitment by the school to an inclusive approach to the pupil’s education.
  • Oakfield School will set up a meeting involving all relevant parties, including parents/carers and others as appropriate.

The school’s Assistant Headteacher responsible for Curriculum, the Health & Safety Officer and the Safeguarding Lead will also visit the placements termly to ensure the work is age/ability appropriate and to ensure that providers are fulfilling their obligation to provide the highest level of education and support to all pupils involved.

The majority of pupils are fully engaged in the main school setting, accessing a full range of subjects to achieve GCSE qualifications or equivalents.

Placements used and qualifications offered:

Fast Forward Vocational training:
  • Level 1 Motor vehicle studies (SEG)
  • Level 1 Introduction to Engineering (BTEC)
  • Introduction to Motor sport Engineering (SEG)
Orchard Training and Education LTD:
  • Certificate in Carpentry & Joinery
  • Certificate in Brickwork
  • Level 1 in Multi-Craft Construction
  • Certificate in Multi Trade
  • Award in Multi Trade
  • NOCN C Skills Award/Certificate in Multi-Skills
*Potential pathway to Post 16 (traineeships, apprenticeships)
St Patrick’s Alternative Education:
  • Functional Skills Entry Level 1 up to Level 2
  • GCSE English, Mathematics work and any other subject required by the school
East Side Gym/City of Hull Boxing:
  • Improved attendance
  • Promotes self-esteem
  • Promote Engagement
  • Extends social skills
  • Working in a community
  • Improved academic achievement
OutKast Panda Crew:
  • Level 1 Mechanical Maintenance (City & Guilds)