Careers Education and Guidance (CEG)
Rationale for CEG
A young person’s career is their pathway through learning and work. All young people need a planned programme of activities to help them make decisions and plan their careers, both in school and after they leave. The 1997 Education Act places a duty on schools to give students in Years 8-13 access to career education, information and guidance. The CEG Policy is further developed in line with the Careers guidance and access for education and training providers, 2018.
Oakfield School endeavours to follow the guidance in The National Framework for CEG 11-19 in England, the National Curriculum Programmes of study for PSHE and Citizenship, and the QCA guidance on Work-Related Learning for All at Key Stage 4.
We believe that effective career guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation, and overcoming barriers to success. Oakfield School is committed to delivering high-quality CEIAG which empowers pupils to make informed career decisions. Our goal is to equip our pupils with the necessary skills to adapt to an ever-changing economic climate, inspiring them to become life-long career learners. This is achieved through a comprehensive programme of activities that span from Year 7 through to Year 11.
Careers Education Plan:
We are committed to ensuring that the school continues to meet the requirements outlined in the Gatsby Benchmarks.
These benchmarks are:
Benchmark 1: A Stable Careers Programme
Benchmark 2: Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
Benchmark 3: Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil
Benchmark 4: Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
Benchmark 5: Encounters with Employers and Employees
Benchmark 6: Experiences of Workplaces
Benchmark 7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education
Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance
Please use the hyperlink provided to read the content of SEND guidance for Careers.
Measuring the Impact of Our Careers Programme
At Oakfield School, we believe good career guidance is critical if young people are to raise their aspirations and capitalise on the opportunities available to them.
Every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future. The careers strategy has been based on the Gatsby Career Benchmarks, we will assess the impact of the four careers programme by using the benchmark and analysing and tracking pupil destinations.
Baker Clause
This statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school to give them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Pupil Entitlement
All pupils in years 8-13 are entitled:
- To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
- To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
- To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Management of provider access requests
Procedure – A provider wishing to request access should contact, Lee Thompson, Tel: (01482) 854588 email:
Connexions work with pupils in Years 9-11 and provide 1-2-1 careers interviews. They provide:
- impartial advice and information about apprenticeships, traineeships and college courses
- careers guidance
- information and support on financial matters including benefits and bursaries
- help with making applications for jobs, training and education
- advice for tackling barriers to learning
Post 16 Open Events/Careers Support Guidance
Please click the following link to see the Post 16 Open Events for this academic year (2024/2025). This document has been prepared by the Hull City Council Connexions.
Hull & East Yorkshire Careers Hub
We are one of 50 Hull & East Yorkshire schools/colleges that make up the Hull & East Yorkshire Careers Hub. The Careers Hub was launched in September 2018 by the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (Humber LEP) and the Careers & Enterprise Company, a central government-funded organisation that works with schools nationally to promote a network between education and employers as well as support for careers education in schools. We are delighted to have joined the Hub in January 2023 and look forward to extending opportunities for our students through the Hub network.
Oakfield link business is Cranswick. Cranswick is the largest business in the city of Kingston Upon Hull, operating across 7 different sites within Hull and East Riding manufacturing premium food products for retailers and food service customers. Ranked the 2nd largest employer in Hull, they employ over 4,500 people across these seven sites. They are always looking at ways to become further embedded within the communities in which we operate, whether that be a collaboration with local schools and colleges or charity work.
Careers Leaders/Connexions Liaison:
Lee Thompson (Assistant Headteacher)
Tel: 01482 854588
John Parkinson (Head of Key Stage 4)
Tel: 01482 854588
Designated Teacher of Employability:
Vicki Harker
Tel: 01482 854588
STEM Ambassador:
Maria Brennan
Tel: 01482 854588
Governor Link:
Emma Elbourne
Tel: 01482 854588
Connexions Advisers:
Terri Taylor
Senior Participation Officer
T: 01482 615223
M: 07592592814
Louise Charles
Participation Team Leader
(Working days: Monday to Friday)
T: 01482 615 635
Kenworthy House
104 George St
Useful links and websites are below:
Options after Year 11:
Your Choice – Talking Up Post-16 Options in East Riding of Yorkshire and Hull.
Apprenticeships detailed information
Log on move on
Careers and Enterprise
Gatsby Benchmark
Careers Strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents
Career guidance websites
Labour Market Information
T Levels:
KuHCC Training & Apprenticeships: