Attendance Expectations:
Good attendance and punctuality remain a top priority for us at Oakfield School. At, Oakfield School we strive to ensure your child has the best opportunities to be the best they can be, to feel safe and support in school, and to develop a sense of belonging both with their peers and as a wider part of our school community.
To support that, regular attendance will be key. The school day begins at 8:50 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. (Monday to Thursday) and 2:30 p.m. on a Friday. We expect all pupils at Oakfield School to attend school as regularly as possible. Our target is 100% attendance for all of our pupils.
We recognise that on occasion some pupils may experience illness or have exceptional reasons preventing regular attendance. We will work with you as parents/carers to ensure in such circumstances any identified barriers are discussed so we can best support the pupil’s wellbeing and education.
The school’s Attendance Policy is available to read via the policies section here: Policies This explains how we monitor attendance and follow up absence.
Please click the link below to see the weekly national attendance statistics for special schools: