Oakfield School



Early Intervention

Children and their families may experience a range of needs at different times in their lives. Therefore, important for children to receive the right help at the right time, to address risk and prevent issues from escalating.  At Oakfield, we aim to identify where early interventions are needed to support families by closely monitoring children and highlighting any emerging issues.  If necessary, and with appropriate consent, information is shared or meetings are convened with other professionals to support effective early help assessments.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 

Statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment:

Operation Encompass

Oakfield has signed up for Operation Encompass in September 2017.

A Domestic abuse notification will be sent to the Child Protection Coordinator Jayne Oakley, by Early Help Safeguarding Hub (EHASH). This informs the school of a Domestic abuse incident and whether children were present at the time of the incident.

This enables the school to be aware of and support the child.

Out of Hours and School Holidays

The Child Protection Coordinators, Mrs Jayne Oakley and Mrs Leanne Middleton will be available out of hours and during the school holidays and contactable on works mobile, works email address and will attend any meetings or relevant work out of hours and during the holidays.

Email: Leanne Middleton (LeanneMiddleton@oakfieldhull.co.uk) and Jayne Oakley (JayneOakley@oakfieldhull.co.uk)

The Child Protection Coordinator will inform the Headteacher in advance if she is not available any evening or in the school holidays so the Headteacher is available.


Information for Parents/Carers – Mobile Internet.

Oakfield School is committed to keeping Children Safe in Education and wants to make it clear that your Child’s safety is paramount. Within the School, pupils’ cannot access the school’s Wi-Fi. Furthermore, the School computers have necessary filters in place to safeguard pupils against inappropriate material. Pupils cannot access social media on school computers.

However, you need to be aware that if your child uses their mobile phone or any other device brought in from home which has 4G/5G data there is a safeguarding risk as your child will be able to access the internet without limits.

You need to be aware that if 4G/5G is used by your child during school time at breaks/lunchtime or rewards and your child downloads or accesses inappropriate material this could result in a referral to children’s social care and/or Police, depending on if a crime has been committed.

Oakfield want to make this clear that it is the parents/carers’ responsibility

for their child accessing inappropriate material or downloading inappropriate material which includes sending inappropriate material to others during school time by using 4G or 5G data.

Important Safeguarding Information.

We know children use a variety of different social media apps and platforms/sites and there are many benefits for young people to social networking from allowing us to stay connected to friends and family to learning and enjoying things of interest. As with most things along with the positives, there can be negatives and every now and again, we are alerted to various apps or social media ‘trends’ that are a cause for concern.

Certain apps allow the user to send messages, photos, videos and documents, as well as creating large group chats. These apps can also allow people to message unknown users; this means your child could receive messages from people they don’t know and/or receive inappropriate or hurtful messages.

Most apps have settings to allow this to be changed so that they only receive messages from people they know. With your child, make sure these settings are in place and show them how to reject requests from people they do not know.

Please could you spend some time with your child checking which apps they have downloaded on their device and researching any that you are unsure about, as there are currently a number of concerning apps in circulation.

A great link for parents to find out more on how they can keep their children safe online can be found on the link below.


Leanne Middleton (Safeguarding & Multi Agency Coordinator)

Social Media Apps and Platforms


If you are concerned about drugs and alcohol, you can make a referral to ReFRESH

About this service

Refresh works with young people up to the age of 19 who live in Hull, and who need support to make safer choices about drugs, solvents or alcohol. Also advise parents, carers, professionals or family members.

Texts are charged at your normal network rate. You do not have to tell us who you are when you text us.

Referral (how to access this service)

Young people can be referred to the group work by calling 01482 331 059 and asking for ReFresh or coming to us in person.


Important information for Parents – What parents need to know about MOMO.



Children’s Social Care (Local Authority) 

Early Help & Safeguarding Hub                                       (01482) 448879

Hours immediate help team:                               (01482) 300304

Child in immediate danger:                                                        999

Police non-emergency:                                                              101

Child Protection Administrator                                       (01482) 790933

Local Authority Designated Officer                                (01482) 790933

Police Public Protection Unit                                           (01482) 578488


East Riding of Yorkshire

Children’s Social Care (Local Authority)

Call Centre                                                                            (01482) 393939

Children’s Services                                                              (01482) 396840

Emergency Duty Team                                                       (01482) 880826

Child Protection Administrator                                        (01482) 396472


East Riding Safeguarding Children Board                      (01482)396998/9

Local Authority Designated Officer                                  (01482) 396999


Police Family Protection Team                                         0845 6060222  ext 2407


The Prevent (Channel Team)                                           (01482) 220759


Useful websites / information sources:

thinkuknow: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk

internet matters: https://www.internetmatters.or…

parentzone: https://parentzone.org.uk/

net-aware: www.net-aware.org.uk

Other useful numbers for information: 

Childline: 0800 11 11 (free to call 24 hours a day)