Oakfield School


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 

STEM education is crucial to meet the needs of a changing world. STEM learning teaches pupils the importance of keeping an open-minded and curious approach, while also understanding how to research and evaluate information. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions to gain a better understanding of something and develop a growth mindset.

STEM Aims:

  • To introduce pupils to STEM including careers, leisure activities and hobbies.
  • To bring STEM alive by interacting with new technologies and experiences though theme days, trips, and external visitors.
  • To encourage creativity, problem solving, resilience and taking managed risks.


  • Here at Oakfield School, we are committed to providing meaningful and exciting opportunities to all our pupils.  We aim to inspire curiosity and problem-solving skills, giving our students the to confidence to think outside the box and recognise the positive contribution they can make to the wider community.


We are able to do this through our robust curriculum and our STEM engagement plan.  Our STEM subjects are:

  • Science
  • Design Technology/Resistant Materials
  • Food Technology
  • Mathematics
  • ICT

STEM Action Plan

STEM Ambassador

Maria Brennan

Tel: 01482 854588


STEM highlights from 2024-2025:

Autumn Term 2024

September – Oakfield School supported the  ‘Jeans for Genes Day’.  The raised £50 which was was made to support people affected by genetic conditions in the UK and their families.

October –  pupils had the opportunity to attend a motorsport and motor industry spotlight day in York. Some of the activities that will be available on the day include:

  • Pitstop challenge (removing wheels with hand-tools)
  • A look around a go-kart
  • Visit a supercar and look at some of the components
  • Balloon powered car
  • Various talks from industry professionals
  • VR painting
  • Reaction timers
  • Smoke tunnel (looking at aerodynamics)

November – World Science Day.  Oakfield School have organised special activities to take place during Science lessons all day on Monday 11 November 2024.

STEM highlights from 2023-2024:

Oakfield School, throughout the course of the year, ran four ‘I’m a Scientist, get me out of here’ sessions, giving our pupils to opportunity to chat with real scientists working in a range of different sectors including technology, STEM carers and the environment.

In the Spring Term of 2024, the school ran an escape room trip, for this, pupils needed nominated to attend by STEM teachers to reward their hard work and engagement in one or more of these subjects throughout the term.

During the Summer Term of 2024 pupils visited the Drax Power Plant in Selby.